5 Ways to Look Forward to Hump Day!

by | Tips & Tricks

A 50 to 60 hour work week is tiring by the middle to end of the week. Often hump day is usually a Wednesday, but it could be any day in the middle of your week where work just seems to get just a bit harder and more tiring than normal. Here are some ways to make the most of this day and the rest of your work week.

  1. Try a Potluck/picnic! Even if it’s making a special or different snack for yourself that day. or having coworkers participate and bring dishes for a potluck or snacks for a snack potluck. Food has been proven to be able to boost moods and energize. This could be exactly what you need to make it through your hump day.
  2. Theme your music. Try a different type of music or different from your everyday music. Music has been shown to have an impact on a person’s mood. So, if you are stressed try some calm music and if your tired try some up-beat music. Another option is to theme the music like camel country on hump day or pop rocks Wednesday. Music is a small and easy yet can be so influential.
  3. “We wear pink on Wednesdays!” A famous line from the 2004 movie Mean Girls! The idea is that color and looking good can make a person feel good. Understanding that often many are required to wear a uniform to work there are small ways a person can incorporate a favorite piece or color if creative enough. Pick your Wednesday color or your favorite wardrobe pieces to make it through your hump day.
  4. Better yourself. Often a person feels good about themselves after learning or accomplishing something new. Try learning a new fact or skill on your hump day. This will make you feel better about yourself and your day! Imagine doing this once a week all year, you would have learned 52 new things!
  5. Do something kind. Often, we forget both the other people in the world and just coexist. Maybe on your hump day rather than just saying hello to your coworkers in the same way you do everyday maybe try a compliment or ask about their lives. It’s always nice to know someone else cares about you especially if you aren’t expecting it. The happiness and good feelings a person can feel from simply making someone else happy or feel cared for are the purest and mean the most. The best part is now two people at work are happy!

Hump day is tough and that’s why its called hump day, but it doesn’t have to be. Try something to make you look forward to hump day not dread it! Life is too short to not enjoy all the lumps, bumps, and humps.

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