The Importance of ALI

by | Tips & Tricks

ALI is the Automotive Lift Institute that sets most of the standards for the auto lift industry. ALI keeps quality and safety in your shops. ALI was founded in 1945 and their policy states “ALI to provide a high quality, independent, third party Certification Program that promotes the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products.” (About ALI, n.d.). ALI certifies auto equipment and  inspectors with the goal of keeping the auto lift industry and everyone within it safe.

ALI certified equipment  is a lift with the Gold Label. This means that the lift has gone through the ALI certification testing and passed. The testing encompesses structural integrity of the lift ,its proper functions, lowering speed, and load-holding devices are up to standard to keep everyone safe. (Automotive lift certification, n.d.). ALIstates that part of this testing includes making sure the lift can hold 150% of the recommended load capacity and keep the structural shape and integrity of the lift (Automotive lift certification, n.d.). Having an auto lift that is ALI certified will keep the vehicle and technician safe as well as warrant higher expectations of quality products.

ALI’s inspector certifications maintain the quality and safety expectations that come with their name. ALI is the first company to officially put out an auto lift inspection certification program and license. ALI sets a standard for the safety of the auto lift industry (Lift inspector certification, n.d.). ALI requires inspectors and other personal to be trained and then to prove their capabilities to ALI personal before becoming certified and licensed.

With ALI’s certification program it allows shops the benefit of a certified and regulated third-party of inspectors, installers, and service technicians. Often manufacturer manuals also state that the auto lift owner is required to have periodic/annual inspections performed by an ALI certified inspector to ensure the safety and proper working on the lift throughout the auto lift’s life. This is important with OSHA pushing increased regulation and inspections.

ALI states, “Today’s Institute remains diligent with regard to lift safety as a primary activity and pursues a mission of promoting the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products.” (About ALI, n.d.). This goes to show that ALI is there to support the safety of the auto lift industry this includes the people and auto lifts used within.


Automotive lift certification. (n.d.). Retrieved from

About ALI. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Lift inspector certification. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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