Auto Lift Warranty: Everything You Need to Know

Auto Lift Warranty Put your mind at ease with purchasing an auto lift that has a great warranty! Everyone wants to have a piece of mind knowing what their auto lift warranty covers and that you will have someone to help you through every step of the way, to ensure...
6 Steps to Make Your Auto Lift Install Easier!

6 Steps to Make Your Auto Lift Install Easier!

As you can see in the photo the installers in the photo decided to take more of a caveman, barbaric approach with their auto lift install and made it much harder for themselves in the end. We like to think we have figured out and all but mastered out to properly put...
EVAP Leak Diagnostics

EVAP Leak Diagnostics

EPA back in 2009 performed a study that showed that 80% of all vehicles that were made from 2004-2010 had detectable leaks, discovered by the vehicles evaporative testing (EVAP). The test were very tedious as it ran the vehicles through a chamber and “hot...