OSHA Violations

OSHA Violations

OSHA holds business owners and shops accountable for their own safety. OSHA also known as Occupational Safety and Health Administration sets the standard for the safety and procedures in the workplace. Safety is very important in any industry but especially in the...
5 Ways to Look Forward to Hump Day!

5 Ways to Look Forward to Hump Day!

A 50 to 60 hour work week is tiring by the middle to end of the week. Often hump day is usually a Wednesday, but it could be any day in the middle of your week where work just seems to get just a bit harder and more tiring than normal. Here are some ways to make the...
5 Attributes Millennials Bring to the Table!

5 Attributes Millennials Bring to the Table!

Everyone has heard the terms millennial, baby boomer, and gen x and has some opinion of the people that fall in these said categories. Often its forgotten the positives each generation brings to the table. Baby boomers are the generation born between 1946-1964....
5 Ways to Make It Through The 2:00 PM Blues

5 Ways to Make It Through The 2:00 PM Blues

We all know those 2:00pm blues. That feeling like this work day is never going to end or you start to feel sluggish and slow. Fighting these feelings to make it through the work day is never easy so here are 5 tiny actions you can take to help fight through the final...